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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Persimmon doings

Ophelia wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> So far I've pulped and pureed eleven cups of persimmon puree. Three
>> cups were used in making two different persimmon cakes, both turned
>> out well but I preferred the sheet cake to the bundt one. Tomorrow I
>> will make some persimmon jam, been awhile since I've done that.
>> Tonight's dessert will be simmon puree that has been frozen and then
>> slightly thawed, we like to eat them that way.
>> The dilemma is I still have about two dozen simmons ripening on the
>> counter. Food processor is getting quite a workout these days.
>> Has turned off cool (51F at wake-up time) and windy down here. First
>> time I've had long pants on since last March. Tilly Dawg is at the
>> vet's getting spayed so it's rather quiet around here today, no high
>> speed rat terrier tearing through the house carrying her critter and
>> squeaking it.

> Awww she will be back soon and tearing around)
> Where are you in the world George? Are you in the South of the US?

Get out your map of the USA and look for a little city called Sulphur,
Louisiana. We've lived here since 1988 and it's an okay place to live.
About 35,000 good people and another dozen who aren't very good. Low
crime rate, low fire rate, but surrounded by chemical plants and
refineries. Which was lucky as I worked in those places for more than 45

South is about right, we're in USDA Zone 9b, nearly sub-tropical. We get
from 40 to 100 inches or rain a year and the state is primarily
agricultural, rice, cotton, soy beans, cattle, etc. We live in the
industrial part along Interstate Highway 10.

I grew up about 35 miles west of here in Texas where Miz Anne and I
lived for the first 15 years of our marriage. Since then we've lived all
over the world and seen wondrous things in our travels. Still, I'm happy
to be living where I am now. Come and visit, the front door is seldom
locked. May be because of that "Armed Resident" sign on the door.
