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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default USAians Was Dominos Pizza Coupons

Michael Kuettner wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> ...
>> Michael Kuettner wrote:
>>> "Andy" <q> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>>> ...
>>>> George said...
>>>>> Unfortunately the same can be said for many/most? USAians.
>>>> Piggybacking...
>>>> I've seen this USAian nick recently for the USA population. Is this
>>>> generally accepted and how long has it been in existence?
>>>> Did I miss an r.f.c survey?!?
>>>> Andy
>>>> USAlien?
>>> I use USAns when referring to those inhabitants of America who live
>>> in the USA.

>> Except for the niggling little fact that inhabitants of America are
>> the same as those who live in the United States. Americans are
>> inhabitants of North America who live in the United States.

> The Canadians will surely like your point of view.
> The Mexicans, too, I guess.
>>> Just like I say "Swiss" when referring to those people in Europe who
>>> live in Switzerland, etc.

>> A bit of a non-sequitor, there. Switzerland is the proper name of a
>> country within the European continent, just as America is a proper
>> name for a country within the North American continent.

> Non sequitur, boy.
> You know what that means ?

Yes I do, son. And it was most appropriate given the fact that your example
had nothing to do with anything, at best, and was incorrectly used at worst.
So, was it ignorance or a red herring on your part?

> No ? Thought so.

Again, you simply went to ground on that one.

> Now tell me why your country is called "The United States Of America"
> instead of "America" ?

America is the geographical boundry of the country within which exist
individual states. In fact, the original colonies were referred to
collectively as 'America' in our earliest history.

> Well ?

Well, indeed.
