Cookbooks at the supermarket!??
"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> At the back aisle of the supermarket was a small four sided square display
> in
> the middle of the aisle full of Food TV cookbooks. First I've ever seen of
> cookbooks for sale at a supermarket. I think there must be a new hire at
> the
> Food TV Network!
> I didn't look at them but at a glance recognized Puck, Ray and Sandra
> Lee's
> books.
> New to me!!!
We have a store here called Central Market. They have a nice selection of
cookbooks. Also nice kitchen gadgets and on occasion, things like Polish
pottery. They also have a sushi bar and sell cute little Japanese dishes.
They are not your typical supermarket though. They are very upscale and
probably not the place you'd go to do the bulk of your food shopping.
Unless you have food allergies like we do. They cater to people like us!