doggie bags in the UK?
Sacha wrote:
> On 23/10/07 23:08, in article ,
> "Alan Holmes" > wrote:
>>"Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> <snip>
>>The reason food is wasted, is that the providers are too stupid to realise
>>that it is not a good idea to offer HUGE portions which are not wanted, if
>>they were to allow teh customer to take however much they wanted, much waste
>>would stop.
>>>Who cares that there are people starving
>>>in parts of the world - including even in parts of the
>>>U.S. and other "first world" countries.
>>Then the people who are giving out huge unwanted portions should be
> I must say that I'm still trying to figure out how taking home food
> contaminated by dining companions in USA or UK is going to save people from
> starvation in third world countries.
> Perhaps a re-distribution of transportable food stuffs would do that, or a
> bigger contribution of money from wealthy countries to poorer ones? I just
> can't see that the use of doggy bags by countries that serve oversized
> portions of food is going to help the starving in e.g. Zimbabwe.
Well, not by itself. But if I have leftovers that's one
less meal I have to buy food for at home. So that food is
then technically available for someone else. Of course there
is still the problem of getting that unneeded food from here
to Zimbabwe. That's another problem that has to be solved.
But the point is that is that extra food is bought, cooked,
and then thrown away here, then that just means that that much
less food is available for the possible use of others who need
it, if only there were some way to get it to them. That needs
to be worked on. In the meantime even though we may not be able
to get the food to the needy it's still obscene to me that it
should just be thrown away.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?