how the hell do I dice 500 tomatoes?
On Oct 24, 5:37?pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:18:17 -0500, Omelet wrote:
> > In article >, Mitch@...
> > wrote:
> >>>..and how the hell do you peel all those skin off them for making
> >>>salsa? Good luck!
> >> Blanch them.
> > Yes.
> > Blanching and peeling is easy.
> It doesn't work on some tomatoes - especially those that you get
> at the supermarket nowdays - grown with tougher skins.
> I use a serrated vegetable peeler if I want to get the skins off.
> Much easier, and it doesn't cook the tomatoes at all.
When I want salsa I go into my garden and pick a couple dozen extra
ripe romas, a fat jalapeno, a green bell, and a fistful of flat leaf
parsley (I hate cilantro), I don't grow onions or garlic so I have
store bought inside. I just chop everything up by hand... I don't
bother peeling the tomatoes... with some corn niblets and dark red
kidney beans tossed in I can't detect any tomato skins... with romas I
don't even core them, and with munching crispy tortilla chips you
certainly won't feel any skins, and by the third margarita you won't