Cancelling your AARP membership
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Cancelling your AARP membership
> wrote in message
> On 19-Nov-2003,
(Jmmbear) wrote:
> > AARP and medicare have a lot to do with diabetics. concidering many are on
> > medications.. And many are on medicare.
> Well, yes; that would be obvious; however, this is alt.FOOD.diabetic, not
> or alt.IHATEAARP.diabetic.
> There are places where that notice would be on topic; I just get tired of
> wading through a high volume of off-topic messages to get to the FOOD
> messages. Some days, reading this stuff is all fiber and no nutrition.
Hopefully this law will be defeated and replaced by a law that really helps diabetics.
You should be able to pay for your medications and still be able to afford the proper food that will
not hurt your diabetes.
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