Thread: Food Allergies?
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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Food Allergies?

Steve Pope wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> Asserting you don't have food intolerances simply
>> means you don't know of any. That's NOT the same as knowing
>> for real you don't have any.

> It is hypochondriac to believe that you have a medical
> condition unless there are observed symptoms pointing in
> that direction. (And even then, it may be hypochondriac.)
> Steve

Exactly. I know I don't have an intolerance (or allergy) to wheat or gluten
(be it in bread, pasta, whatever). How do I know this? Because after
eating them I suffer no ill effects. I know I am not lactose intolerant
because I can drink milk 'til the cows come home (pun intentional!) and eat
cheeses and suffer no adverse physical symptoms. Ditto all manners of
meats, fish & seafood. I have food *dislikes*. I don't have food
allergies. Not everyone does.
