Thread: Half a cow.
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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Default Half a cow.

ChattyCathy > wrote in
> Julia Altshuler wrote:
>> It's so easy to make jokes about half a cow, but seriously, is there
>> any reason why the meat can't just be kept in the freezer and taken
>> out when needed? If you have the freezer space, that's got to be
>> better than dehydrating or preserving with any other method.

> Gawd, I haven't been able to afford buying half a cow in 25 years...
> sigh. And yes, it does freeze just fine. But I absolutely "adore"
> biltong, and we used to make our own way back then. Haven't made it
> myself in years - the butcheries here all carry it, and they make it
> well. But it's an "acquired taste", IMHO. Not too many
> Americans/Europeans I have come into contact with here in RSA seem to
> like it.

Just goes to show they don't have any taste!!

I have a great SA butcher close by that I've been going to for about 12
years. Used to be the only place in Brisbane where you could get
boerewors...... now you can buy it (and it's pretty good too) in just about
any major supermarket.

BTW, we had boerewors for dinner last night :-)

I need to find somewhere that sells the BBQ thingy that holds the
