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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default It's like Deja Vu all over again....

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:00:51 +0200, "Giusi" >

>"blake murphy" > ha scritto nel messaggio
.. .
>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:39:39 +0200, "Giusi" >
>> wrote:

>>>>>Yes. Use more lemon peel and steep shorter time and there's less chance
>>>>>it being bitter. I was unhappy with mine until I got the recipe from my
>>>>>hardware store guy's wife. One liter of alcohol, 10 lemons' peels, 8
>>>>>Then strain, add the simple syrup and let age for at least 20 days, but
>>>>>longer may be better.
>>>> i've added this to my note, guisi. thank you.
>>>> your pal,
>>>> blake
>>>Da niente, Blake. She says use syrup made with one liter of water.

>> is that a liter of 1:1 sugar syrup with one liter of the steeped vodka
>> and one liter of unsteeped vodka? i used 1 cup to half a .75 liter
>> batch. (my calculations seem weak today, but that seems like much
>> less. it's not at all sweet.)
>> your pal,
>> blake

>It is 1 liter of water and 1 kg of sugar (2.2 pounds) cooked together for
>3-4 minutes. That is the syrup for 1 liter of alcohol soaked peels of 10
>lemons. We can buy 95% pure alcohol at the supermarket and that's what we
>use. I think the closest thing in the US in Everclear?

o.k, i was following what's-her-name's recipe from egullet, using 100
proof to steep and 80 proof for dilution. (50 and 40 percent,
respectively.) so you use no additional spirit to the steeped
alcohol? that would call for more syrup than i used.

yes, everclear would be the american product.

your pal,