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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Dominos Pizza Coupons

JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 22:13:50 GMT, "JoeSpareBedroom"
>> > wrote:
>>> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Some people actually like Domino's even when given a choice. I worked
>>>> with a guy who thought Domino's, McDonalds, and Dinty Moore Soups were
>>>> there best. When he microwaved the soup I had to leave the office it
>>>> smelled so bad. I made some real soup once and brought him a bowl and
>>>> he didn't like it. <shrug> One day he was bragging that he was
>>>> taking his family out to dinner at McDonald's that night. I asked why
>>>> he didn't consider a real restaurant. I got the "deer in the head
>>>> lights look" and he said: "Why? McDonalds has the best burgers."
>>>> You can't argue with that kind of thinking.
>>>> Lou
>>> No, you really can't. They're the same "folks" who think Bush is perfectly
>>> literate, and let their kids watch him. It's really the same thing.

>> Bush has nothing to do with this.

> In a sense, it does. It relates to a kind of laziness that allows many
> people to accept mediocrity rather than expending a bit of effort to get
> something better.

I also agree Bush has nothing to do with this.

You have nice thoughts but none of that is available from either red or
blue because we have the best government money can buy.