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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default Stuffing/dressing question

Ken Knecht wrote:
> Any minute now it will be Thanksgiving Day. I have a piece of smoked
> turkey in the freezer I'd like to prepare for my meal that day.
> However, I love dressing (or stuffing if you prefer) and usually
> roast a whole chicken for that reason.
> In spite of several attempts, I've never been able to prepare decent
> stuffing without putting it in a bird. I find the stovetop brands
> inedible. I know the ingredients, but can anyone tell me a surefire
> technique from preparing stuffing outside the bird? I'd certainly
> make it more often if I knew how.

Well, I just make up the stuffing and cook it in the oven in a seperate pan