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Michael Kuettner Michael Kuettner is offline
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Posts: 611
Default Stuffing/dressing question

Steve Pope schrieb
> Goomba38 > wrote:
>>Steve Pope wrote:

>>> I don't have too much to add to what everyone else will say, other
>>> than avoiding stovetop brands, and making such the ingredents (bread,
>>> celery, onion, sage, vegetable stock, olive oil or butter) are good
>>> quality and fresh. Avoid things like stale powdered sage, canned
>>> chicken broth, low quality bread -- I use half each of sourdough
>>> french bread and whole wheat loaf bread from a good bakery.
>>> Do not purposefully use stale bread, and do not use bread crumbs --
>>> bread should be lightly toasted then diced, not crumbed.

>>I always cube my bread the night before and let sit in a large bowl or
>>pan covered by a tea towel to stale up a bit.

> Overnight would not be a problem (and gets some of the prep out of
> the way). Bread that is many days stale is I think unappetizing,
> even made into stuffing.

Interesting misunderstanding of "stale bread" on your side of the pond.
You let the rolls (or bread) get stale enough for easy cubing without
creating a lot of crumbs.
Then you dry the cubes in the oven.


Michael Kuettner