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Julian Vrieslander Julian Vrieslander is offline
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Posts: 230
Default Q. How to make Stroganoff interesting ???

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Dan Abel > wrote:

> There is a very good dish called "boeuf bourguignon". It is a stew made
> with beef and red wine. It takes hours, as you use a cheap, tough and
> flavorful cut of beef. I suspect that some people are getting these
> confused.

The only similarity in my mind is that both dishes involve meat and
sauce. Bourguignon is stewed in wine.

Stroganoff, Swedish meatballs, and klopse are based on cream or white
sauces. White wine might be added, but that's probably not the key
ingredient. In honor of Moosemeat, we should include S.O.S. as the
institutional/military variant in this category.

My favorite stew is Beef Daube (or Boeuf en Daube, if you want to sound
like Garrison Keillor). It's another variant on the stew with red wine
theme. I'm not an expert on French culinary history, but I think that
daubes are from the south (Provence) and bourguignon is from Burgundy.

Julian Vrieslander