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Myrl Jeffcoat Myrl Jeffcoat is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 188
Default Hottest chile pepper discovered.

On Oct 27, 3:04 pm, wrote:
> May be of interest:

I'll never forget that a couple of years ago, I made a Salsa, using
some peppers I picked up randomly at a local Farmer's Market. I know
some of those peppers were Habaneras, but there were other peppers, I
believe were even hotter.

We were having a family outing up at Sand Harbor @ Lake Tahoe. The
salsa almost sent the entire clan into the water, to cool their
smoldering tail feathers. But one son-in-law, remained seated at the
picnic table, calmly eating the salsa by the chip loads - He was
taking it like a man;-) He claimed it was the best damned salsa he
had ever eaten.

Myrl Jeffcoat