Thread: Leftover rice
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Leftover rice

On Oct 27, 8:47?pm, (Little Malice) wrote:
> One time on Usenet, "James Silverton" > said:
> > Steve wrote on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 20:41:50 +0000 (UTC):

> > ??>> George > wrote:

> > ??>>> I find cooking a small quantity gives variable results.

> > ??>> You must not be doing it right.

> > SP> Possibly, but I find the same thing -- if I'm starting with
> > SP> less than about 1/3 cup of rice, it is difficult to
> > SP> determine the right amount of water to use. I attribute
> > SP> this to the saucepan I'm using (6" Revereware) having a lid
> > SP> that isn't quite completely tight (although nearly so), and
> > SP> the boil-off is too much of a variable for that small of a
> > SP> quantity.

> > Even with a rice cooker, about 1/3 cup rice, or possibly 1/4 is
> > the low limit for me but you'd hardly want less than that for a
> > person and discarding any excess is no big deal.

> Neither is saving it for another meal. Fried rice, or cold with milk
> and vanilla...

You mean just rice and vanilla flavored milk soup, not pudding? I
don't think it's worth the effort to make fried rice, or pudding, or
even your soup for so small an amount or rice (50 cents worth of
vanilla for one penny's worth of rice), certainly not worth the clean
up... I mean like I'm not going to clean pots, bowls and utensils for
3 spoonsful (one penny's worth) of rice... it ain't even a lech n' a
schmeck (a lick and a smell).