Toppings for frozen pizza
jmcquown wrote:
> George wrote:
>> George wrote:
>> I missed the best one...
>> Can my kids eat BOBOLI?
>> BOBOLI is quite nutritious and should be just fine for your growing
>> child. Feel free to "plus" your BOBOLI benefits by adding your own
>> healthy ingredients! If you have any questions, please check with your
>> pediatrician.
> LOL I don't know if kids should eat most of anything served to them these
> days. This guy was asking about frozen pizza for his nephew because he
> won't eat anything else. Frozen pizza is the least of his worries as this
> kid matures.
> Jill
Oh come on and cut the crap. Forcing a kid (or anyone else) to eat
certain foods because those foods are supposedly good for them will turn
the subject off to that food quicker than you can imagine. I went
through that when I was in grammar school with both my family at home
and the nuns where I went to school trying to get me to eat green beans.
To this day I absolutely will not eat green beans. Ditto brussels
sprouts. Another food I got turned off of because of forced family
pressure was cooked spinach. Blech!!!!! I was (and still am) a huge
Popeye fan, and family tried to use that to get me to eat cooked spinach
"you want to be like Popeye, right?). It wasn't until I was married and
working at a particular job when I went to eat in the cafeteria and
found they had spinach cold to use in a salad like one would eat
lettuce. Now I can't get enough of spinach.
Moral of this screed: let the kid what he wants as he wants, and
healthful food will come to him in time.
Jack N2MPU
Proud NRA Life member