Toppings for frozen pizza
Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> On Oct 30, 12:29 am, sf wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 15:34:01 -0400, "kilikini"
>> > wrote:
>>> I'm in full agreement with you, Jack. Honestly. I was forced to eat so
>>> many things as a kid (couldn't get up from the table until I finished,
>>> dealie) and I still won't touch those foods now! I never liked cooked
>>> spinach, either, until I learned spinach lasagna, stuffed shells, manicotti,
>>> spinach garlic pizza etc. I still won't eat it as a side veggie cooked, but
>>> I love it cooked mixed IN with other ingredients. But, like you, I love it
>>> raw. Bring on the warm bacon salad dressing, please! :~)
>> I'm a product of the "you don't leave the table until your plate is
>> clean" club too.
>> Fortunately, my mother was a picky eater so there weren't many foods I
>> had left to be picky about. LOL! Canned peas were the WORST for me.
>> I can remember sitting there for more than an hour trying to ingest
>> them (not very successfully).
> Now I don't like peas anyway, but I would NEVER serve anyone canned
> peas. Frozen, yes, but not canned. Another thing horrible canned is
> asparagus.
agreed! asparagus should not be mushy!
> Canned corn, on the other hand, is not bad, and canned green beans are
> quite edible (if not particularly good).
frozen vegetables are just about the same price as canned, and with
minimal extra effort to prepare.
> I like canned black olives.
> I'm OK with the having to eat what you put on your plate, but grown
> ups should not put foods that kids are known to hate on their plates.
> Adults who do so should be kicked in the teeth.
I make Ellie try everything on her plate, but if she doesn't like it
after trying it, she doesn't have to finish it. Luckily, she is an
adventurous eater for a 5 year-old (she still won't eat gefilte fish,
Sarah Gray