British biscuits
ravenlynne > wrote in news:fga95s02c98
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> Tracy R. > wrote in
>> :
>>>> Ask a Yank how to say 'ask'.
>>>> Most will say "axe"
>>> You'd be mistaken. I seldom here that pronunciation in the US; it's
>>> considered low class.
>> Then only the 'low class' Yanks must be portrayed on TV.
>> BTW, here, and hear.
> Most educated people don't assume that everything on tv is necessarily
> correct or true.
(LOL!! You've obviously missed the post I recently made about living in
But to answer your post, sad as it may be, most US 'customs' are picked
up by our younger people from just that medium.... TV.
So maybe all Yanks should petition their movie studios/TV stations to
only air shows that show Americans in a 'true light'........ like Jerry
Springer does ;-P