Cahors - are they ever drinkable?
Salut/Hi Mark Lipton,
le/on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 22:55:27 -0400, tu disais/you said:-
>Yes, roast pork to me calls for a powerhouse white or rosé. A lighter
>Beaujolais might also work well with it, but then again I'll drink a
>good Bojo with many different foods.
Luc de Conti has THE wine for roast pork. It's called "Jour des Tendres" and
is a pink made by saignée from his top reds, it then has 6 years in barrel.
>> Cassoulet, no matter whether it be from Carcassonne,
>> Castelnaudary or Toulouse, is very powerful in flavour
>Hey! I thought that you didn't have a traditional cassoulet recipe...
>Acquired one since 23 Jan 2003? <poke poke>
>(currently researching coq au vin recipes for a Fête de Bourgogne
>planned for this weekend -- 3 '88 GCs on deck)
Got one of those too. Keep an eye on your Mbox.
Bon appetit
La Souvigne - France