In article 4>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Wed 31 Oct 2007 08:02:42p, Miche meant to say...
> > In article 4>,
> > Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> >
> >> I would probably pronounce scone incorrectly if I hadn't spent time in
> >> the UK. As to the foam, I prefer nearly none.
> >
> > "Cappuccino, no foam" is known in New Zealand (and I think Australia) as
> > a "flat white".
> I'll try ordering it that way next time, Miche, and see what I get. :-)
I've heard from various NZ and Aus friends that if they ask for a "flat
white" in a US coffee shop, they get looked at like they just grew a
second head.
It'll be interesting to see if you get the same effect with a US accent.
In the monastery office --
Before enlightenment: fetch mail, shuffle paper
After enlightenment: fetch mail, shuffle paper