Jazzing up baked chicken breasts
On 2 Nov 2007 13:32:43 GMT, Ken Knecht > wrote:
>Whan I bake skinless chicken breasts, it is usually as they come from the
>package. Not bad, but how can I easily make them a bit more flavorful?
>What's your favorite method? I am not fond of spicy food - chile, etc.
My kids don't like spicy food but they love my grilled chicken. It's
not really that spicy.
First, don't use skinless. Take off the skin after cooking. Skin
keeps it moist, and the calorie count is virtually the same if you
skin after.
Simmer for about ten minutes the following, except the beer:
5 c water
2 T. fine ground black pepper
1/4 c vegetable oil
1/2 c. cider vinegar
2 T. salt
1/4 c. Worcestershire
1 small onion, minced fine
1 really good squirt of cheap yellow mustard
1 clove of garlic, finely minced
At least 2 T. chili powder. (I use about half a cup)
1 six-pack of your favorite beer
Let it cool, marinate the chicken in the fridge for at least a full 24
hours. (and/or inject with the mixture) Then cook it. I grill it,
dunking each piece back in the mixture every 15 minutes or so and
turning it. But it turned out pretty good the time I had to bake it
(ran out of gas on the grill).
The beer? You drink it while grilling, of course. Grilling is hard
work. Whew.
Best -- Terry