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Tracy R. Tracy R. is offline
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Posts: 33
Default Restoring Diet Pepsi

On Sat, 3 Nov 2007 10:30:51 -0400, "Dee.Dee" >

>"Default User" > wrote in message
>> Damaeus wrote:
>>> God, why would you want to? I know there are diabetics out there who
>>> have to limit their intake of regular sodas, but I think drinking
>>> drinks with aspartame is not a good idea.

>> I've been drinking diet sodas for 30 years. Why waste empty calories on
>> a sugar (or these days HFCS) solution, when you can spend them on far
>> tastier things?
>> Brian

>I have a 'very-close' relative who smoked unfiltered cigarettes from age 15
>to age 89. It finally got him.
>Cigarettes are good for you, too.
>Dee Dee

Anecdotal evidence is a funny thing. For 40 years, my grandmother
played canasta once a week with the same group of ladies; one of them,
Paula, smoked like a chimney. All the other ladies fussed at her and
told her the cigarettes were going to kill her; she kept smoking three
packs a day despite their dire warnings. I saw her again a couple of
years ago at Grandma's funeral. She was still a heavy smoker. She was
also the only one of the "canasta girls" still alive and, what's more,
she was still spry and in full possession of her mental faculties,
which is more than one could have said of Grandma in her last few
years. Funny how those things turn out sometimes, isn't it?

As for the aspartame, my ob-gyn convinced me years ago to avoid it.
She was very concerned about it's long term effects.

Tracy R.