Dinner Tonight
Oh pshaw, on Sat 03 Nov 2007 11:58:38a, rosie meant to say...
> Had a nice pork roast this last week and there was some left over. I
> made a nice sauce with tomato sauce, onion, brown suger and vinegar,
> plus some seasonings, sliced the roast very thin, then put it all
> together to simmer. It smells good! Tastes good- had to give it a try,
> will make some nice wet sliced pork sandwiches for dinner...
> Rosie
I've had a pot of spaghetti sauce on the range since early morning at a
bare simmer. Has spareribs, veal bones, ground beef, Italian sausage and
the usual other sauce things. Dinner will be spaghetti unless I get some
of Linda Grail's pizza!
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.