Who's hotter? Giada or her Mom???
"Dee.Dee" > wrote in news:fgj5l9$b2j$1
> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
>> Edwin Pawlowski said...
>>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message news:Xns99DD97F2512A1cotd@
>>>> Andy said...
>>>>> Now I'm 50 and when I was half your age I was drawing plans for
>>>>> classified
>>>>> aircraft, slept on the beach, got laid with a snap of my fingers,
>>>>> drank at
>>>>> work, etc. What does that have to do with Giada or her Mom?
>>>> Make that "half MY age!"
>>>> Andy
>>> Works either way with my off internet age of 62.
>>> I remember seeing you sleeping on the beach when my yacht was in the
>>> harbor to pick up Giada's mom. We were going to Monte Carlo.
>> Hughes Aircraft, Northrop? Name the beach!
>> Andy
> Huntington?
> Dee Dee
You're both crazy...everyone knows that a stove is hotter.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore