Andy tests for diabetes this AM.
"Stan Horwitz" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Terry > wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Sounds like me just a few months ago. Started losing weight---first
>> time I'd been below 200 lb in ten years or more. Going through 2-3
>> cases of diet soda per week (I usually drink water but was craving
>> sweets and decided diet soda was a better way to hold back the
>> craving.) And I had dessert almost every night. Fasting glucose was
>> 300 mg/dL.
>> I've cut the sugar out almost entirely, though I still drink a fair
>> bit of diet soda. One glucophage tablet each evening. Test every
>> morning with the finger prick, just to keep track (BTW it's the cost
>> of the test strips that gets you. Go to Kroger or Rite Aid and get
>> the store brand strips and tester---half the price of the name
>> brands). Most of my morning tests run 100-110.
>> Runs in my family too. The potential consequences of non-treatment
>> are enough to make me treat it seriously. You can deal with it, not
>> to worry.
>> Best of luck -- Terry
> Andy, good luck. Drinking diet soda will not cause diabetes or make it
> worse. I drink tons of diet soda daily and my diabetes is well
> controlled. Also, if you have medical insurance, or if you are on
> medicare or medicade, the test strips and other diabetes supplies are
> either free or low-cost. The best way to combat high blood sugar is to
> take a long walk or bike ride. I am not kidding. Exercise is a fantastic
> way to control diabetes with little or no medication.
Dear f-i-l 'had' or is controlling his diabetes II. He drinks diet soda
every chance he gets. (He doesn't exercise.)
Dee Dee