how the hell do I dice 500 tomatoes?
Felice Friese wrote:
> Well. not 500, but ...
> Back in days of yore, I would sometimes get up of a late summer morning and
> find the kitchen counters laden with tomatoes that needed to be dealt with
> <now>. My husband would get up at dawn, haul the tomatoes in to the kitchen,
> and then slip out to work before I was awake. It usually happened on a day
> when I had promised to take the kids swimming.
> Felice
When we lived in New England we used to go on vacation for one or two
weeks ending on Labor Day. When we got back home, I'd begin laundry and
unpacking and my husband would inspect the garden. Invariably he would
return to the house with a bushel of tomatoes for me to can or freeze,
saying "Happy Birthday."
The tomatoes would be followed by overgrown zucchini, peppers, melons,
corn...and I wouldn't be a happy camper.
gloria p