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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Restoring Diet Pepsi

Oh pshaw, on Sat 03 Nov 2007 10:14:19p, Sarah Gray meant to say...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Oh pshaw, on Fri 02 Nov 2007 04:44:28p, Bobo Bonobo® meant to say...
>>> The only cold sodapop was the 2L of Diet Pepsi that had been in the
>>> trunk of the car for a few weeks. Apparently, it had gotten hot
>>> enough in there to break down the aspartame, because it was completely
>>> not sweet. So I added some Splenda to it, and it was fine. In fact,
>>> it tasted better than usual.
>>> --Bryan

>> Sad to say, perhaps, but I loathe all diet sodas. Unfortunate, too,
>> because it would be nice to drink a soda without the calories. I just
>> can't stand the taste, or even the smell and I can always tell.
>> Friends have tried to fool me, but they've never succeeded. I drink
>> the occasional "real" Coke, but mostly I drink unsweetened iced tea or
>> unsweetened iced coffee with cream.

> I can't stand diet pop either. I occasionally will have a coke (not
> pepsi!) or a peach or redpop faygo, but that's only a few times a month.
> I used to go through a 2-liter a day with my ex husband. Yuk!

My choices almost exactly, but very rarely. Real Coca Cola, Nehi Peach,
but Vess Red Cream Soda, IMO far better than Red Pop. Also, impossible to
find these days.

Wayne Boatwright

(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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