Oh pshaw, on Sun 04 Nov 2007 05:08:42a, Andy meant to say...
> Wayne Boatwright said...
>> Last Ssunday brunch of the year...because? There are 8 more Sundays
>> after today before the end of the year.
>> BTW, sounds good. Wish I was there!
> Wayne,
> ROFL!!!
> I only brunch once a quarter like that. This year was even less.
Probably a wise choice, dear friend.
> Good God bro!? If I brunched every Sunday like that, well... I shudder at
> the thought!
I understand. When we lived in Cleveland, there was a group we frequently
brunched with who gathered every Sunday. We didn't always go, and it was a
bit much. We had to be sensibly selective if we wished to survive. :-)
> If you mistakenly find yourself somehow in Media, PA, brunch is my treat.
> Even David "the picky eater" would be welcome and I'd bet my last dollar
> he'd find SOMETHING to eat!
That's a very kind offer, Andy! And tempting. If it just weren't so far.
:-) Oh, David would eat the sausage, potatoes (God forbid they should have
onions or potato skins), pancakes, and syrup, and he would be happy!
> Andy
BTW, do post your test results. You have all of us concerned. Both David
and I are diagnosed Type II diabetics, both for about 7 years. We're doing
fine though, and if this is your diagnosis, I'm sure you'll do find, too!
Warm regards...
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
__________________________________________________ ____________
It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.