Oh pshaw, on Sun 04 Nov 2007 05:43:05a, Andy meant to say...
> Wayne Boatwright said...
>> BTW, do post your test results. You have all of us concerned. Both
>> David and I are diagnosed Type II diabetics, both for about 7 years.
>> We're doing fine though, and if this is your diagnosis, I'm sure you'll
>> do find, too!
>> Warm regards...
> Wayne,
> In a prior post I mentioned the Doc said to come in this Thursday for
> results. He's an old Doc so he might not even get the bloodwork to the
> doorstep pickup box by TOMORROW? 
> His home is half office/half home. Good thing, huh!??
> Best,
> Andy
> P.S. My brunch place is right next to his office. TOO convenient! Just in
> case, of course. --A
> P.P.S. He doesn't hand out Brunch cards, in case you were wondering. --A
Tthat last line had me howling!!!
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
__________________________________________________ ____________
It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.