how the hell do I dice 500 tomatoes?
Reg wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> When we lived in Texas, where I grew up and our kids still live, we
>> had a large garden. We also had a good friend and neighbor who also
>> had a large garden. We synchronized our trips so the other could take
>> care of the garden and for that chore he got to harvest what came in.
>> My favorite time we did that is when his huge thornless blackberry
>> patch all ripened in one week. My word, we made blackberry jelly, jam,
>> put it in the freezer, made cobblers every night for dinner, even made
>> about ten gallons of blackberry wine. I think John's favorite time was
>> when our tomatoes all got ripe while we were gone, he loved those
>> things and about made himself and his whole family sick eating them.
>> Not to mention canning a ton of them. We had fifty tomato plants that
>> year and it was a good year for tomatoes.
>> Sigh! We miss that garden and that old house of ours but someone else
>> lives there now and they don't even garden, just mow everything like a
>> park. Good memories come out of gardening and then putting the food by
>> you grew.
>> George, off to bed after a long day of doing nothing
> I'm speechless. What a picture you paint.
> Thanks for posting.
I probably should mention that thirty years later John and I are still
good friends and we both still garden. He in Ohio and me in Louisiana.
We actually only live exactly 33 miles from where we started our married
life but traveled the world in between those last two moves. I'm glad
you enjoyed the post, at my age short term memory is fleeting but things
that happened 30, 40, 50 years ago are clear. <VBG>