Thread: LC Ketchup
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Julie Bove
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Default LC Ketchup

<Alan > wrote in message
> On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 18:36:24 -0500, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ><Alan
> wrote in message
> .. .
> >
> >> You would eat over 1/4 cup of ketchup in one serving??
> >>
> >> On what???

> >
> >I would, on French Fries or oven roasted potatoes. Not that I eat them
> >often. And I certainly couldn't eat that much regular ketchup due to the
> >carb count.

> Well, yes, I can see that on fries. But, again, the amount of carbs
> in the fries is huge compared to the amount in the ketchup.
> an entire 1/4 cup of ketchup?? Really?
> Or, would you put that much out and only get some of it on the fries?

I would put that much out, eat it, then put more out. *Would* is the
operative word. Now I must restrict myself to 2 Tablespoons. I should also
add that I'm not much of a catsup eater. My brother (also diabetic now)
used to eat it on almost all kinds of meat, and he'd eat a lot of it. My
niece can easily eat 1/2 a bottle in one sitting. I also know people who
put it on eggs.

Type 2