That' it. No more running for me
On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 00:29:01 -0700, SkinnyBilly >
>On Nov 3, 1:03?pm, Myrl Jeffcoat > wrote:
>> On Nov 3, 11:56 am, Dave Smith > wrote:
>> > I never liked running. It wasn't too bad to make short dashes while
>> > playing kids games, or baseball and football, but I never understood
>> > jogging and competitive running.
>> > It was bad enough to hear about people screwing up their shins and their
>> > knees from running, or those older joggers who drop dead of heart
>> > attacks while out running for fitness. This morning 28 year oldRyan
>> >Shaydied 5 1/2 miles into a 26.2 mile qualifying race for the Beijing
>> > Olympics.
>> I just saw that on the news. . .Unbelievable! I'm into fitness, but
>> I'm not a runner. Instead I swim a couple of miles, 4 - 5 times a
>> week. Much easier on the joints and knees.
>> It will be interesting to see what caused this 28 year old top notch
>> runner to die, 5 1/2 miles into the race.
Remember Jim Fix(x?)? In the 70's. He was a real and early guru of
running and claimed he wanted to run to keep fit because his father
died so early. Then Jim, IIRC, died fairly early and cynics said
"See, running kills you." Jim would have disagreed. He lived longer
than his father and certainly, healthier and happier.
Just as Wayne has described, unless you are having an "event" during
testing, you can appear normal. Figure 10% or less of the general
population runs regularly. The vast majority feel healthier, are
healthier, feel empowered and love it. IMHO running does the most for
your head.
The extremely rare stories of runners dying claim headlines now days,
as opposed to what running can do for you. Gads, I can't calculate
the percentage of runners who die, but it is miniscule and I doubt any
would want you to be discouraged about taking up running.
OT My DIL is right now, running her first Marathon in Springfield, MO
and I wish her so much luck but told her, to finish is to win.
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