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Default Message To America's Students: The War, The Draft, Your Future

> We have been down this road before.
> U.S. troops sent to war half a world away. American foreign policy
> controlled by an arrogant elite, bent on projecting military power
> around the globe. A public misled into supporting an unconstitutional
> war founded on deceit and fabrications.
> As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
> that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.
> As the public loses confidence in the government, the government
> questions the patriotism of any who express doubt about the war.
> When a presidential election arrives, both the Democrat and Republican
> nominees embrace the policy of continued war.
> The military draft comes to dominate the lives of America's young, and
> vast numbers who believe the war to be a senseless blunder are faced
> with fighting a war they do not believe in, or facing exile or prison.
> The year was 1968. Because voters had no choice that November, the
> Vietnam War continued for another six years. Hundreds of thousands of
> Americans like you died, were maimed, or suffered from diseases like
> malaria. A far greater number of Vietnamese died.
> Today, the war is in the quicksands and alleys of Iraq. Once again,
> under the pressure of a determined resistance, we see an American war
> policy being slowly torn apart at the seams, while the candidates urge
> us to "stay the course" in this tragic misadventure. Today's
> Presidential candidates are not Nixon and Humphrey, they are now Bush
> and Kerry.
> Once again, there is one overriding truth: If war is the only choice in
> this election, then war we will have.
> Today enlistments in the Reserves and National Guard are declining. The
> Pentagon is quietly recruiting new members to fill local draft boards,
> as the machinery for drafting a new generation of young Americans is
> being quietly put into place.
> Young Americans need to know that a train is coming, and it could run
> over their generation in the same way that the Vietnam War devastated
> the lives of those who came of age in the sixties.
> I am running for President, and have been against this war from the
> beginning. We must not waste lives in order to control and waste more
> oil. Stand with us and we may yet salvage your future and Americas'
> future from this looming disaster.
> Sincerely,
> Ralph Nader
> --
> 's fight will surely become .more integral part of the
> world revolution, hastening the day when imperialism, Zionism .meet their
> doom."
> These Maoist terrorist organizations are financing their activities by
> trafficking in controlled substances. According to December 13, 2000,
> testimony by Frank Cilluffo, to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
> Subcommittee on Crime, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) " is heavily
> involved in the European drug trade, especially in Germany and France.
> French law enforcement estimates that the PKK smuggles 80 percent of the
> heroin in Paris." Cilluffo is Deputy Director, Global Organized Crime
> Program Counterterrorism Task Force at Washington, D.C.'s Center for
> Strategic and International Studies.
> This same testimony reveals the Nepal Communist Party, ".turned to drug
> trafficking for funding. Nepal serves as a hub for hashish trafficking in
> Asia." The CIA Fact Book lists Nepal as a major source for heroin from
> Southeast Asia to the West.
> The South Asia Terrorism Portal wrote of the Nepal Communist Party: "The
> Maoists (Nepal) draw inspiration from the 'Revolutionary International
> Movemen