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Thoughts On Eggs
cybercat wrote:
> "Perkoff And The Chocolate Factory" > wrote in
> message
>> On Nov 4, 1:46 pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
>>> The Lovely Miss Perkoff wrote:
>>>> I stopped eating eggs when I put some thought into it.
>>>> I mean think about it, eggs are pretty much aborted chickens.
>>>> When you're eating your eggs if you think to yourself "This is an
>>>> aborted chicken fetus" it sorta grosses you out.
>>>> That's why I stopped eating eggs.
>>>> Anyone else share my opinion on eggs?
>>> No, but ask us our feelings about crossposting trolls.
>> I don't care about that, what about guys that make big deals about
>> crossposts no one made them read but themselves?
>> And after they read about it they complain about it, sorta like a
>> bitch.
> Don't take offense, Ms. Jerkoff. I feel certain none was intended.