Thoughts On Eggs
"Green Xenon [Radium]" > wrote in message
> The Lovely Miss Perkoff wrote:
>> I stopped eating eggs when I put some thought into it.
>> I mean think about it, eggs are pretty much aborted chickens.
>> When you're eating your eggs if you think to yourself "This is an
>> aborted chicken fetus" it sorta grosses you out.
>> That's why I stopped eating eggs.
>> Anyone else share my opinion on eggs?
> I don't eat eggs own their own because plain eggs tend to smell bad like
> human morning breath -- must be the hydrogen sulfide.
> However, I don't mind the egg yolks in French vanilla ice cream as long as
> the ice cream is made from real cream and does not contain milk.
> Real cream = "sweet" [i.e. unsalted and non-soured], annatto-free,
> preservative-free, carrageen-free, carrageenan-free, polysorbate-free,
> purely-natural, completely-organic cream made from the milk of healthy
> cows, free of nonfat milk solids and free of added mono/di- glycerides.
> LNNDSRBRC = Low-fat, Non-fat, and/or Non-Dairy Substitutes for Real
> Butter/Real Cream.
> If milk is used in place of cream, then this milk is an LNNDSRBRC. Many of
> the sweet/desserts [including ice cream] in the market often advertise as
> cream. However, in all reality, this “cream” is actually milk. Rite-Aid is
> notorious for doing this in their ice ‘creams’. Many bakeries also
> falsely-advertise their “cream” puffs like this. This ‘cream’ is just
> thick milk -- milk with much of its H20 molecules removed -- how
> disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBC = Desserts/Sweets containing LNNDSRBRC with No Real
> Butter/Real Cream
> WTF do these desserts/sweets factories have to use LNNDSRBRCs?? Why don't
> they just use butter/real cream in their products instead?? Sure it is
> more expensive but who cares? It’s much better than the stink of LNNDSRBRC
> and the diarrhea that following the consumption of LNNDSRBRC.
> I hate LNNDSRBRCs. They stink badly! Boycott them!!!!!!! Go kakaa on them!
> Burn them with oxyacetylene flames.
> In addition, LNNDSRBRCs are far worse for health and more dangerous to the
> coronaries than real butter/real cream. LNNDSRBRCs are far more likely to
> cause MIs and strokes than real butter/real cream. The extent of
> circulatory system damage caused by real butter and real cream is trivial
> compared to that caused by LNNDSRBRCs.
> Desserts and sweets would be totally unappetizing without real butter/real
> cream.
> LNNDSRBRC + sugar = human kakaa
> Real butter = "sweet" [i.e. unsalted and non-soured], annatto-free,
> preservative-free, carrageen-free, carrageenan-free, polysorbate-free,
> purely-natural, completely-organic butter made from the milk of healthy
> cows, free of nonfat milk solids and free of added mono/di- glycerides.
> Real cream = "sweet" [i.e. unsalted and non-soured], annatto-free,
> preservative-free, carrageen-free, carrageenan-free, polysorbate-free,
> purely-natural, completely-organic cream made from the milk of healthy
> cows, free of nonfat milk solids and free of added mono/di- glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I hate carrageenan, preservatives, polysorbate, and added mono/di-
> glycerides.
> I wish them a horrible death in superheated oxyacetylene flames.
> If butter contains annatto, it is not “real butter”. I hate annatto. Kill
> annatto and those who produce it by flaming their skins to death. I want
> my foods to be pure!
> If cream contains carrageenan, polysorbate and/or added mono/di-
> glycerides, then it is not “real cream”, and should be disposed off like
> the POS it is.
> Whenever I buy any desserts/sweets, I check the ingredients. If there is
> any LNNDSRBRC, then good-bye. Sweets/desserts must have real butter/real
> cream and must not have any LNNDSRBRCs.
> Also, when I buy cream at the store, it always contains other crap in the
> ingredients such as carrageenan, polysorbate, as well as mono/di-
> glycerides. Sometimes even skim milk is added!!!!
> WTF does the cream contain carrageenan, polysorbate, and mono/di-
> glycerides? WTF does milk *not* contain carrageenan, polysorbate, and
> mono/di- glycerides? If milk can be sold pure, then WTF can’t cream? WTF
> is the problem?!
> I notice that the bakery in one of the local stores I visit uses non-diary
> whipped topping in their so-called "cream puffs". These puffs are examples
> of DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs, therefore they stink like human kakaa. I feel like
> pouring some human kakaa on to those cream puffs. The whipped topping they
> use are what cause thick foamy diarrhea to splatter on the ceiling upon
> defecations.
> Its time to toss all DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs into the dumpster.
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs have the following characteristics:
> 1. Stink like thick human diarrhea kakaa foam
> 2. Cause silent-but-deadly wet farts
> 3. Cause the consumer's kakaa and farts to be unusually-malodorous
> 4. Cause thick foamy diarrhea in humans
> 5. Cause the consumer to unintentionally go stinky foamy diarrhea kakaa in
> his/her pants when [s]he attempts to fart
> For desserts/sweets, real butter/real cream is a must. I demand that all
> LNNDSRBRC products -- especially DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs -- be replaced with real
> butter/real cream. I seriously feel like inventing a foul-smelling microbe
> that will transport human feces into LNNDSRBRCs and DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs.
> I hate LNNDSRBRC with a passion. I hate DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs even more. All
> factories producing LNNDSRBRC must have their LNNDSRBRC-tanks polluted
> with human sewage.
> All DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs must be defecated on.
> There is nothing more sickening than DSLNNDSRBRCNRBC.
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs are the most disgusting foods. Boycott all
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs! Defecate on them! Cover them in human kakaa! Burn the
> producers! Then cover the producers in human kakaa!
> The "cream" in the Krispy Kreme doughnuts is really a perverse mixture of
> LNNDSRBRCs and sugar. I hate it.
> All those donuts and twinkies you find in 7-11 and other local stores are
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs! Avoid at all costs! They stink and they'll make your
> kakaa stink even more than what’s natural!!!!!
> Most of the cookies, donuts, pies, cakes, ice creams, cream-puffs,
> twinkies, ding-dongs, and other sweets/desserts in most local stores are
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs. Vaporize all of them with oxyacetylene flames!
> All desserts/sweets must contain real butter/real cream and absolutely no
> All those whipped toppings and other foamy substances used in those
> twinkies, Krispy Kreme's "cream", or "cream puffs" are just
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBC kakaa. Stinky human kakaa. They must burn in kakaa hell.
> DSLNNDSRBRCNRBC stink badly like the stinky human kakaa foam which stinks
> like the stinky thick, foamy, tickly, itchy, hissy, sticky, terrifying,
> disgusting, annoying diarrhea kakaa foam of a human who eats stale,
> fat-free cheddar cheese, lentils -- “dhal”, fig newtons, his/her thick
> foamy spit, and farty cauliflower along with his/her kakaa.
> Once again, DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs stink like human kakaa. Hence, they deserve
> to be treated as such. Those who make/sell them and refer to the
> greasy/foamy sweet substances as “cream” -- such as the sugary white foam
> in Twinkies -- deserve likewise.
> To call this crap “cream” amounts to false-advertising and should be
> legally-punishable by being forced to bathe in superheated, sticky, stinky
> white foam.
> Those who make/sell DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs as well as those who benefit from
> such production and sale deserve punishment. Rite-Aid is the most
> notorious perpetrator of this false-advertising as they refer to their
> stinky sugared flavored milk as ice “cream”. Rite-Aid deserves hell
> These falsely-advertising scums refer to the mouth-foam of their LNNDSRBRC
> as "cream". These sick f--ks are liars and deserve to be seriously
> disciplined. They probably add their foamy spit to their LNNDSRBRCs to
> increase the volume of the LNNDSRBRC.
> Such sickos must be punished in the following manner:
> 1. They should be forced to go on a diet of:
> A. Stale fat-free cheddar cheese
> B. Lentils -- "dhal"
> C. Sticky fig newtons
> D. Farty cauliflower
> G. Their thick foamy spit
> H. Each others' foamy thick spit
> I. Thick stinky nonfat/lowfat milk -- thickness results from removing a
> significant amount of H20 molecules until the milk develops the viscosity
> of human spit.
> J. The stinky human kakaa foam which stinks like the stinky thick, foamy,
> tickly, itchy, hissy, sticky, terrifying, disgusting, annoying diarrhea
> kakaa foam of a human who eats stale, fat-free cheddar cheese, lentils --
> "dhal", thick stinky nonfat/lowfat milk, sticky fig newtons, farty
> cauliflower, LNNDSRBRCs, DSLNNDSRBRCNRBCs, and thick-spit-foam-of-humans
> along with his/her kakaa.
> 2. They should be made to bathe in contents A to J while those contents
> are super-heated in a large container. These sick scumbag liars should be
> forced to remain in the scorching hot, sticky, stinky contents until they
> die of pain-induced shock. Thermal burns are extremely painful --
> probably the most painful of all injuries. This excruciating pain can
> kill -- via neurogenic shock -- if the victim isn't removed from the heat
> source in time. The stench will most likely exacerbate the shock reaction.
> Only then will their souls know and feel what it is like to be cheated.
> Regards,
> Radium
What is all that about! I only notice the smell if the eggs have been boiled
and left overnight.