In article 1>,
> Andy <q> dropped this : in
> > Bobo Bonobo® said...
> >
> >> On Nov 4, 12:01 am, "Dee.Dee" > wrote:
> >>> Change your clocks.
> >>> Happy sleeping.
> >>
> >> I got to work an hour early.
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Dee Dee
> >>
> >> --Bryan
> >
> >
> > My cell phone clock changed automatically.
> >
> > Don't much care what time it is.
> I don't much care what time it is either except the dog gets her meds at
> 7am sharp. So I set the clocks. Except for the DVD player. I forgot how
> to do it.
> Michael
That's the one thing thing I find very interesting. My last VCR was a
Philips unit that of all things would automatically get it's time
updates from the local PBS station. That was a very nice little feature.
DVD players don't act as tuners so there's no reason for them to time
I would bet though that the next device will be a combination DVR/Cable
Box/DVD player. Then it'll just get the correct time off the cable