Michael Kuettner wrote:
> "ravenlynne" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> ...
>> Michael Kuettner wrote:
>>>> June was ok this year. The rest was awful.
>>> It was wonderful up here (between Venice and Ravenna).
>> July and August were hellish down here in the South. No wonder all of the
>> locals go out of town for the entirety of August.
> Yep; I've met them on the way to the mountains ;-P
>>> OBfood : Buittoni offers a frozen pizza "American Style".
>>> I haven't had the nerve to try it.
>> I can only imagine. I've been less than impressed by the american style pizza
>> that I've sen around, namely Galleria Umberto. Hot dogs and french fry pizza
>> anyone?
> Haven't seen Galleria Umberto in NItaly.
> Is this a larger company like Buittoni or Parmalat ?
> Cheers,
> Michael Kuettner
No it's a mall...there's a pizzeria inside...It's near the royal palace
in the city.
-Gina in Italy
I'm a blogger: