We are what we eat -- we thought?
Did you all know that "Product of the U.S.A." or "Product of Canada" on your
cans and plastic bags, could just mean that the can or plastic bag was made
in the country; or that the contents were just "processed" in these
countries. The reason I am concerned is that I want to know that some
contents in my cans are not coming from China. The Chinese Government is
allowing raw sewage, and untreated effluents from their many factories, to
flow into their streams; the water from which is used to irrigate their
crops. Now we should all know by now (what with the dog food, tainted toys,
lead in lipsticks, etc.) that their codes and ethics are not up to scratch.
But to think that the USA & Canadian Governments are condoning these foods
be included in cans marked "Product of USA" or Canada, is extremely
deceitful. Just check with the customer service 'phone numbers on your cans
or plastic bags, and they will verify that the contents could be from (or
processed)anywhere in the world. And even fish could be caught off Russia,
shipped and processed in China, then shipped and packaged back in USA or
Canada -- yuck! What with our dogs being poisoned, I am now wondering
whether our children are too?