3 more days until I see Kanoknuan in Khorat...
On Oct 22, 7:20 pm, "Takin Gtheshit in the face" <takin@stuck-in-a-
wheelchair.org> wrote:
Newsreader.com = Takin Gthe****
<spew from a poor English sod in a wheelchair snipped>
> I can't wait till Friday ......
The poor sod in his wheelchair will be taking again a handfull of
drugs on Friday and start hallucinating that he is in Thailand.
Poor sod in a wheelchair.
You can get a REAL trip to Thailand for free.
Just need to ask me nicely ....
> Anyone want to make book on where Trivino will be hiding?
I will be from Friday afternon untill Sunday evening WITH my wife at
our farm, 250km from our house.
Something that dont exists in your pittiful life in your wheelchair,
except when your again knocked-out after swallowing a handfull of
Bit if you REALLY want to face me (an oxymoron as YOU will never have
to guts to face anybody), you can always make an appointement and I
will be more than happy ot meet you.
In the meantime, as long as you have no balls, keep swallowing a
handfull of drugs and halucinating about Thailand.
I will be somewhere in Thailand for REAL.
PS.: Can you post again 10+ posts like you did last week?
Or if you are to affraid to loose your ISP, can you copy this post and
changes the names like you are used to?
Be a good doggy and maybe I will throw you a bone ....