Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:30:43 -0600, Scott wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 08:20:55 -0600, Scott wrote:
>>>> Just wanted to let everyone know that Walmart is offering an exclusive
>>>> DVD called 'Cooking for all ages' from FoodTV when you purchase
>>>> Ratatouille which will be available tomorrow.
>>> Produced by Sandra Lee and promoting a bunch of "Great
>>> Value"-branded ingredients, no doubt.
>>> I can find no other mention of this DVD.
>>> -sw
>> I found this link for you since your google research skills are lacking:
>> http://upcomingpixar.blogspot.com/20...xclusives.html
> It's kinda of hard to find that considering, "Cooking for all
> ages" is never mentioned in plain text. And it still doesn't say
> anything about that DVD (not that I even care).
Since you don't care I'm not going to tell what's on it after I buy it
>> plus scratch and sniff character and recipe cards.
> A scratch-n-Sniff Remy? Lemme guess, it's smells like a rats
> ass?
> -sw
Smells like chicken ass.