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Default what happened to this group,

George Shirley wrote:
> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>> "KW" <keith_warrennospamatallteldotnet> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Kathi Jones" > wrote in message
>>> news >>>> "mobile" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> hello
>>>>> where are the canning people?
>>>> well...I've been busy trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with this
>>> glut
>>>> of SPAM.......
>>>> Kathi
>>> To take the lines from a great movie, how about:
>>> Fried SPAM, Broiled SPAM, SPAM E'toufee, SPAM Creole, SPAM Gumbo, SPAM
>>> Kabobs...........
>>> KW

>> I actually bought the SPAM cookbook at a yardsale (a whole ten
>> cents!!!) just for the script to that Monty Python a
>> Boy Scout at home, ya know.
>> -ginny

> Hey! Y'all shouldn't make fun of SPAM, lots of Brits wouldn't have had
> any meat at all during WWII if we hadn't shipped lots of it over there.
> Come to think of it, my family ate a lot of SPAM in those days too. I've
> got a can in the pantry now, just in case we can't cook or another
> hurricane blows in. With that and canned tuna and vegetarian beans we
> can feast like kings.
> George

Don't forget the Hawaiians. They developed a taste for it during WWII
and now can't get enough of the stuff. SPAM sushi, anyone?
