On Nov 7, 1:09 am, "Takin & Kanoknuan" <takin&kanokn...@stuck-in-a-
wheelchair.org> wrote:
> "Steve Kraven Kramer" > wrote in message
> > Bug wrote:
> > [SNIP]
> >> We'll have to change your name to Kraven
> > This, from a person who is too afraid to even post using his real name....
> > Amazing, but not surprising.
> **From Bob
> "Win, lose or draw whoever wins, money goes to charity. NOW! Money talk and
> Bulls********t walk. What you wanna do BOY? Put up or shut the F******K up
> you big blowhard asswipe! You have never took me up on a bet. You never
> will. Why? Because your BORN TO LOSE!"
> The response from Steve
> Looks like you've shot yourself in the foot with this one Steve! You coward.
Takin Gtheshit in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one and only coward in SCT and many other forums who hides like a
REAL COWARD out of fear that anyone would know his real identity and
"pay him a visit".
****ing and shitting all over his trousers by the idea that anyone
might happen to know his real identity.
Stop taking these drugs and start having a life.
You will feel a lot better.
Steve is 20 times more a man than you, poor English sod in a
Writing stuff ANONYMOUSLY on the Internet is a sign of an unstable and
mental ill person.
PS.: Can you please post another 10+ posts like you did last week?
If you are good doggie, I might throw you a bone.
Who is your daddy????
I forgot, your daddy left the hospital where your mother was
delivering you and never came back.
Takin Gthe****:
"If you want to make fun of me, that's fine."
Sure as hell we like to fun of you
Note: if you or others knows the coward Takin Gthe**** real identity
or his real name, publish it here and saves us the money of a lawyer
to do that.
>From NtlWord.com (an ISP provider of Takin Gthe****):
"If you feel that the incident you are reporting warrants involvement
of an appropriate law enforcement body then you must report the
incident yourself.
We will then cooperate fully with them as is appropriate under United
Kingdom law."
> --
> "Being so thin, yet powerful, gives me lots of ideas for uses. I'm going to
> fill my front pockets with them [magnets] and take a walk through the bar
> district. Every bar girl with braces will be drawn right to my crotch
> without my even having to flash a 100 baht note! By the time I pass three
> bars I should have about 15-20 girl's faces pasted to the front of my pants.
> What can my wife say? "It wasn't me, Dear. It was the magnets!" - Kraven
> Kramer
> > Steve 'Kraven' Kramer
> >http://photoenvisions.tripod.com- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -