Ratatouille and Walmart exclusive DVD
"Ms P" wrote
> I live in one of those small towns where Walmart put all the other
> discount stores out of business, Kmart, Gibson's and Alco. We finally got
> a Target but there are still a few things I can only get at Walmart. I'll
> go there for those few things and that's it. We used to have 3 grocery
> stores too. We're down to the one big chain that can survive against
> Walmart. We also lost a couple of hardware stores and fabric stores.
> Yeah, it's got to be an absolutely can't get it anywhere else item before
> I'll go there.
Well, I'll add that Kmart does well with FPO AP addresses but seldom has
things i needed there.
> I'll buy my Ratatouillie dvd at Target and probably get a better price.
Good deal <grin>.