Sandra Lee's Memoir
Oh pshaw, on Wed 07 Nov 2007 07:54:44p, Goomba38 meant to say...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> Her accent seriously grates on me, but just as bad is that she's
>>> always taking big bites of food and then talking with her mouth full!
>>> Between the food smeared on her mouth from her shoveling that bit in
>>> to the lip smacking.. it is very uncomfortable to watch.
>> Goomba, there really are people who live in the South who sound like
>> Paula. My entire family is from the South, so I guess I'm just used to
>> it.
> Wayne.. there are many different southern accents and you learn to
> "hear" the region they hail from (and sometimes other things too) as
> soon as they open their mouth. Paula's is not a very cultured one.
I'm well aware of that, Goomba, as I have relatives in numerous Southern
states from the east coast to Louisiana. I wasn't saying that Paula's
accent was cultured. None of her family that I've heard speak appear to
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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