Sandra Lee's Memoir
Oh pshaw, on Wed 07 Nov 2007 07:55:43p, Goomba38 meant to say...
> Tara wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:16:16 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>> > wrote:
>>> Goomba, there really are people who live in the South who sound like
>>> Paula.
>> Absolutely. My mom is the youngest of seven sisters from Georgia. I
>> swear Paula is sister number eight. She reminds me so much of my
>> aunts. I have a huge soft spot for Paula Deen. I just love her.
>> Tara
> Her accent is more towards Alabama twang then Savannah roll...
Yes, very different accents.
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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