cybercat wrote:
> Going tomorrow for the first time to take a look at the hams and turkeys. (I
> am doing Thanksgiving dinner this year.) They have butterballs for $1.29 a
> pound, and Smithfield hams, too. Shanks (1.19 a lb) and butts (1.29 a lb).
> No idea what the difference is.
> I see they carry what they call "private" brands. Any items particularly
> good in these Aldi brands?
> I know I have to take my own bags and a quarter for the cart rental.
> Anything else?
Its hit or miss. Some items are good and others are the same quality as
Walmart. For example they just put refrigerated cases in the local
stores and now have the Walmart style embalmed "fresh meat". All of the
frozen poultry and meat I have seen is the "enhanced with a solution"
stuff. Some of the canned items such as corn are good. The chocolate
bars are good quality. Frozen veggies such as peas are good.