hh calls Steve a welsher
"Craig Sutton" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
>> On Nov 8, 1:28 pm, wrote:
>>> Say Hey Stevie:
>>> So far I may have to donate 200 USD to a charity in Thailand. That is
>>> if you show up at the cermonies for verterans on November 11, 2007.
>>> Location will be held at the foreign cementry. If you require
>>> directions and/or map let me know. Time is 1030 hours. You can provide
>>> a FREE service to VFW by taking pictures of the event. If you need a
>>> donation I'll be there.
>>> 5555 Yee-Haw !!
>> Say Hey Stevie:
>> In addition, I can arrange for r/t transportation for you to/fm
>> Gymanka Club or whatever the name is.
>> 5555 Yee-Haw !!
> A pogo stick or a donkey?
**How about an elephant? It's about the only thing big enough to carry Steve
and his ENORMOUS ego. :-)
"I CAN be a good friend. I am NOT a good enemy.... especially when I'm
wielding my tripod." - Steve 'Kraven' Kramer