On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:43:18 -0800, Nancy2 >
>On Nov 7, 7:09 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
>> Going tomorrow for the first time to take a look at the hams and turkeys. (I
>> am doing Thanksgiving dinner this year.) They have butterballs for $1.29 a
>> pound, and Smithfield hams, too. Shanks (1.19 a lb) and butts (1.29 a lb).
>> No idea what the difference is.
>> I see they carry what they call "private" brands. Any items particularly
>> good in these Aldi brands?
>> I know I have to take my own bags and a quarter for the cart rental.
>> Anything else?
>I went into our Aldi's once, and that was enough. I didn't recognize
>a single brand and the whole place smelled like sour milk. No thanks.
The smell was probably poopie diapers from unattended brats running
around. Food stamps make baby's shit smell pretty bad.