Saving half a banana
dip the end in a bit of lemon juice.
"Felice" > wrote in message
. ..
> All these years I've been slicing the whole banana on my cereal even
> though I wanted only half, because there seemed to be no way to save the
> other half without having it go brown and yucky.
> This morning I stuck the other half face down in an inch of water in a
> small glass, and at dinner time it was looking good. Now let's see if it
> makes it through the night. I would have tried acidulated water, but I
> didn't have a lemon handy.
> If it doesn't work, I'll be open to suggestions. And no, I won't put it in
> the re-frig-er-a-tor, cha-cha-cha-cha.
> Felice