"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
>> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > In article >,
>> > "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >> That, and a generation of parents who apparently pay no attention to
>> >> their
>> >> kids' written work. The words "That's not good enough. Please write it
>> >> again." should be part of every parent's vocabulary. It's not just the
>> >> teacher's job.
>> >
>> > At least it's part of the teacher's job. My wife is president of a
>> > school board. Writing literacy is the number one priority in that
>> > district. It said so in the board minutes. The board minutes had
>> > words
>> > that weren't spelled correctly, grammar errors, sentences that made no
>> > sense and statements that were just plain wrong. When my wife pointed
>> > these out, she was told that it wasn't important.
>> She should've sent it to the local newspapers & broadcast media.
>> Embarrassment is a powerful tool.
> She tried talking to the media before. She got put up for censure.
> Maybe it's time again. However, shame and embarrassment hasn't worked
> well for her before. People just get defensive and close their minds.
Think about which category of people like to toss the word "elitist" around,
and who their god is. Hint: He lives in a big white house. This group of
robots disdains learning. They need to be crushed with extreme prejudice.
They're ruining this country. They're so stupid that they don't know how
stupid they are.